
18 year Veteran to the IT Project Management Space. A tacit Trump supporter bc you know MAGA has a vibe I can ascribe too, but lets also be has some baggage.  Conservatarian by example, highly Libertarian but lets be real a true libertarian is an anarchists which I am not. Something made the universe exist, I call it God, you may name it something else. If we matter, there is more than just life and I think there is, just know where I come from. Just because I believe in God I don't think i know it all and have it all figured out his will or mine.  

Military: I served 8 years in the U.S. Air Force, lots of ups and downs. Almost all the downs are my own fault, and almost all the ups were from being surrounded by some of the best people i have known. I love the USA, argue about how well we have succeeded or lived our values, but least we have tried and aimed for something greater than what came before. Our founders were not perfect, but they sure were great men.

Code: If i could not care about money and simply be what would I do for the would be code. The world of 0s and 1s that on an electrical wire make logic and then make work happen is the best thing I have ever known. A few electrons that make "decisions" that are just down the line logical derivations of simple AND and OR statements is pure beauty.

Travel: My dad took us on lots of vacations that revolved around model trains. The trains never excited me, but the older I get the more I truly appreciate the passion my dad had for trains that let me see the world beyond my little midwest upbringing. I have yet to find the thing I could love that would bring joy to my own sons life if I had one, this is a point of regret until I fix it. Son or the passion or both.

Whiskey: When I joined the Air Force one quick thing I learned was either you pick up golf or you pick up drinking. I suck at golf so whisky it was, but in reality i didn't find my stride until after I left the U.S. Air Force. My palette is not sophisticated but it also isn't simplistic. If money wasn't an issue one day aside from coding random things i would distill various whiskeys looking for a nice strong flavor with a nice 90-100 proof bite.

Gym: Move heavy things! There is a simplistic joy in being and getting strong. I will struggle to till the day I die to be stronger and healthier. Strongman, Crossfit, or Olympic Lifting.... the movement of big weights in new ways will always fascinate me and bring me joy. I will derive some joy and amusement myself in their imitation by me.

Tennis: I was a fat kid, hitting a ball against a wall got me thin and happy. In that I learned to love the individual struggle the is the greatest game of tennis. So simple and yet so complex. Endurance and speed, strength and coordination, the individual versus the individual, or the complete knowing and reliance on a teammate and the counter of another of the same. All boxed into one beautiful court that shows how hard a person will fight and struggle to win.

If you find me not in front of a screen it will be on a tennis court or on the beach or hiking a mountain. I come from Ohio, 614 represent. I wasn't born in Texas, but I bleed " Come and take it"